• Open Letter to Pat Plunkett Chairman Providence Resources

    November 19, 2016 | Posted by

    Dear Mr Plunkett I write in an open forum following our brief dialogue on the 16th November 2016 in which you made clear that you deemed a large private shareholder (holding in excess of seven figures in shares) and one with the support of many, many other retail shareholders not sufficiently important to engage directly […]

  • “New” Gulf Keystone Petroleum – The resurrection commences. See through value of 2p per share

    November 11, 2016 | Posted by

    By Mark Parfitt and Richard Jennings CFA It is probably be fair to say that the situation at Gulf Keystone Petroleum Limited (GKP) still remains in a state of flux with investor sentiment being driven principally by raw emotion rather than hard facts as qualified comments remain thin on the ground while brokers and analysts […]

  • It’s time to position for the second leg of the oil bull market

    October 8, 2016 | Posted by

    By Richard Jennings, CFA Investors of some years in the markets will be familiar with the typical investor sentiment cycle that begins in despair and despondency and ends in euphoria, generally playing out over a period from 18 months to 3-4 years. Take a look at the graphical depiction of this cycle below. Here at […]

  • Gulf Keystone Petroleum – DNO puts the cat amongst the pigeons

    July 30, 2016 | Posted by

    By R Jennings, CFA Well, well, well who woulda thunk it? Just when the BoD of GKP thought that the restructuring was in the bag and the Senior bond holders were to walk off with most of the equity in the Company, Norwegian Oil Group DNO decide to (advance) crash the party. The announcement on […]

  • GENEL ENERGY – A second chomp at the bit

    July 28, 2016 | Posted by

    By Richard Jennings, CFA I was very surprised to see the stock price of Genel rewind from the 150p level at which they were trading only mere weeks ago to the lows of 85p this afternoon (28th July) – that is knocking on for a 50% decline in a very short space of time. Try […]

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