• Gulf Keystone Petroleum – Arbitrage opportunity

    July 18, 2016 | Posted by

    By Richard Jennings, CFA I last wrote about GKP HERE in which I highlighted that there was “value” potentially to be found in the capital structure of GKP and in particular the Convertible bonds. As it turned out, the proposed restructuring agreement handed the lion’s share of the company value to the Senior note holders with […]

  • Cuba: Block (9) read through to MEO Australia & Leni Gas Cuba

    July 12, 2016 | Posted by

    By Mark Parfitt and Richard Gill, CFA The technology start-up world is replete with tales of the all important “timing” being the key for successful companies. Indeed, whole ‘TED talks’ are devoted to the very subject. Investors however are more often than not to be found fretting about day to day commodity price movements rather […]

  • Atlantic Margin round results shines spotlight on Providence Resources acreage

    March 2, 2016 | Posted by

    By Mark Parfitt   The Petroleum Affairs Division (PAD) of the Irish Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources (DCENR) revealed the locations of the newly awarded southern Porcupine Licensing Options at the APPEX 2016 Conference in London yesterday1. As already revealed, in simple list format, the successful applicants were dominated by large IOC/NOC’s such […]

  • Providence Resources – the year of the Porcupine?

    February 24, 2016 | Posted by

    By Richard Jennings, CFA and Mark Parfitt 2016 is the Chinese New Year of the Monkey. But recent events offshore Ireland may mean this turns out to be the year of the Porcupine, as renewed licencing activity brings the once moribund Irish offshore oil sector back into focus and definitely slays the market perception that […]

  • Yet another disastrous year for embattled commodity investors but the bull case is stronger than ever

    January 4, 2016 | Posted by

    2015 is not a year that investors in hard commodities will want to remember. In fact, as the table below shows, the commodities basket, as represented by the Thomson Reuters Core CRB index, was down for an unprecedented 5th year, with the pace of its decline accelerating, returning a negative 23.43% last year. Ouch!   […]