March 26, 2018 | Posted by

    Open letter to Nick Trew, CEO Pathfinder Minerals Dear Mr Trew Ahead of the EGM that was requisitioned last Tuesday, I write to you in an open forum so as to give all PFP shareholders the opportunity to weigh up the points detailed here and your answers (if any). Firstly, in looking at the last […]

  • EGM requisition served at Pathfinder Minerals Plc

    March 20, 2018 | Posted by

    To all shareholders in Pathfinder Minerals Plc We can confirm that we have today served upon the BoD of Pathfinder Minerals Plc a valid EGM requisition notice. Shareholders will shortly have a clear choice on the future of their company – almost inevitably more dilution from an incumbent Board that has not managed to bring the licence […]


    March 14, 2018 | Posted by

    I am pleased to relay that we have received a groundswell of support from jaded Pathfinder Minerals Plc (“Pathfinder”) shareholders over the last few weeks in relation to our plans to remove both Nick Trew and Henry Bellingham from the Board. To that end we now confirm that we will be serving an EGM requisition […]

  • Time’s up for Pathfinder Minerals Nick Trew & Henry Bellingham

    February 26, 2018 | Posted by

    Statement re Pathfinder Minerals Align Research and related parties note the announcement put out by Pathfinder Minerals Plc this morning. We wish to make clear to all Pathfinder Minerals shareholders that we have been in dialogue with General Jacinto’s partners and advisers during the last few weeks. Together with written documentation supplied to us it […]

  • Pathfinder Minerals – why it’s time to bring Nick Trew’s stewardship to a close

    February 11, 2018 | Posted by

    By Richard Jennings I make the opening remark that I am a slightly less than 4% holder of Pathfinder Minerals through my own holding and via Align and thus my sole interest is in the accretion of value to all PFP shareholders (which by extension includes current CEO Nick Trew). That I believe there is […]

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